Did you know there are really thirteen days of Christmas? The partridge of course, followed by the two turtle doves, then the three French hens who are quickly chased by the four calling birds and who could forget the five gold rings? A deep breath takes you to the six geese a-laying as seven swans go gliding by and then those beautiful eight maids a-milking who watch the nine ladies dancing with the ten lords a-leaping to the music of eleven pipers piping who are keeping time with the twelve drummers drumming. And on the thirteenth day you have the absolutely mad, funny, joyous, hypothermic BOXING DAY DIPPERS!!
Folkestone Hythe & District Lions Club have for more years than can be counted on both hands and feet, presented the Folkestone Boxing Day Dip at Folkestone’s glorious Sunny Sands come rain, shine, snow or gale! Every year the Dip goes from strength to strength because of the wonderful people who make the day such a success. We guarantee you go into that water at full pelt, brave, fearsome, and slightly hysterical and come out wet, laughing, freezing and very very happy because not only would you have ticked this off your bucket list but will have raised much needed money for local charities (and entertained the crowds of people who love to watch and cheer you on).
Did I mention there is a fancy dress competition first? Trophies for Best Individual, Best Group, Best under 10’s and we also have a trophy for the youngest and the oldest Dipper!
We do encourage you to convince as many people as humanly possible to sponsor you and to complete the entry form on-line (www.folkestonelions.org.uk). If you are sponsored there is no entry fee and the sponsorship money raised will be divided equally between the Lions and your chosen charity. But for those of you who wake up on Boxing Day and decide to do something remarkable that day you can come on down to the Sunny Sands. Our lovely Lions volunteers will have a registration station at some point along The Stade (you won’t be able to miss us) where we will take your details and will relieve you of your sponsorship money or a £10 entry fee. Of course everyone will receive a lovely bracelet (actually it’s just a paper wristband) to enter the sea and an even lovelier Medal of Honour on exiting the water.
If you have any queries no matter how big or small, please contact us on 07973 137640 or at www.facebook.com/folkestonelionsclub
The Date: 26th December
The Time: Registration 09:30 at The Mariners Fancy Dress Judging 11:00 Dip to Follow about 11:30
Online registration please bring confirmation email to registration desk to get wristband